VoiceLive 3 Presets

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Strangle StrangleHold HOT

Artist :  Ted Nugent Song :  Stranglehold

Stranglehold (Full Bluntal Nugity) by Ted Nugent.
Designed for Ibanez RG (HSH) (Strat Style) guitar.
*There are No Steps. However there is a trick to it*.
When you select the preset is has the uMOD ON. 
How I use it is:
I select the Preset, Turn uMOD OFF before I start the song. When Drums kick in I hit the uMOD ON to simulate Second Guitar.
Use the Hit button for the Solo sections.
uMod is on initially so that when you engage the hit button, the uMod doesn't turn off when you hit the hit button again to turn off the solo mode (there is probably a better way to do that)
I didn't touch the vocal layer on this because I don't sing it.
dave Preset Created by : Dave Ward
VoiceLive 3 ( Firmware 1.1.01 161 or Greater )
September 26th 2014
Created 2016-05-25
Changed 2024-07-06
Size 2.08 KB
Created by
Changed by Super User
Downloads 818
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