VoiceLive 3 Presets

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ATWAS Lakeside ATWAS Lakeside Park HOT

Artist :  RUSH Song :  Lakeside Park
Lakeside Park (All The Worlds A Stage) by Rush.
Guitar used was Yamaha Ty Tabor Signature (RGX-TT) with a Duncan Jeff Beck in the Bridge
and Vintage Rails in the Mid and Neck Positions.
*There are 2 Steps*.
Designed to be played with Speaker Sim OFF through a Marshall 9200 Power Amp with a 4x12 Cab Loaded with Celestion GT 12-75’s.
IMO this sounds good with the Speaker Sim On through the PA as well.
There is no Phaser in the VL3. Phaser is an essential part of Alex’s tone. I did the best I could with what I had. Wah should be set to SMART WAH

How I use it is:
Step 1 is Crunchy / Dirty, Use the Drive Button to Boost for the Solo, Step 2 is Clean.
Ignore the vocal layer as I don’t sing Rush
dave Preset Created by : Dave Ward
VoiceLive 3 ( Firmware 1.1.01 161 or Greater )
September 26th 2014
Created 2016-05-25
Changed 2024-07-06
Size 4.13 KB
Created by
Changed by Super User
Downloads 741
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