
Information about Full VERSION for voicelive touch

idc replied the topic: Information about Full VERSION for voicelive touch


The Editor does NOT come with any additional presets; that are not available on either the device or voicesupport.

The Library can hold up to a maximum of 10,000 presets; which you populate yourself.

Hope that helps clarify.


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sergio.dibiase created the topic: Information about Full VERSION for voicelive touch

Hi Guys,

I'm sergio and i'm from italy and i have questions for you.

I read that if i would buy the full version i'll have 10.000 preset, is it correct?
more questions:

- Do you confirm me that those 10.0000 presets are different from official software?
- Who has created those presets?
- Can i have a list of those presets?

Thank you for your kind request

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