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VoiceLive 3 & Extreme Editor Comparison Table

Basic Edition
FREE Version
Edit all Preset parameters
Copy effects between presets
Edit Presets Genre
Effects Copying
Changes in Version 1.6.0
Creating Custom Scales
Creating Setlists
Creating Setlists, Changes Version 1.6.0

VoiceLive 2 Editor Comparison Table

Demo Version
Limited Features
Edit Preset parameters (Excluding Harmony)
Preview Presets from Library

VoiceLive Touch Quick Comparison

Demo Edition
Limited Features
Edit Preset parameters (Excluding Harmony)
Preview Presets from Library

VoiceLive Touch 2 Editor Comparison Table

Basic Edition
FREE Version
Edit all Preset parameters
Edit Presets Genre

VoiceLive Play GTX Editor Comparison Table

Basic Edition
FREE Version
Edit all Preset parameters
Edit Presets Genre


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